Automate: your lead for innovation
Your goal for 2030 is to reduce carbon emissions. Ours is to make it happen tomorrow.
The globe is tasked to reduce carbon emissions by 2030. Ours is to develop the tools to make it this possible.
82% of the expenses of a large-scale store comes from cooling, refrigeration, lighting and energy consumptions. Optimization means increasing the margins of your business without high-cost capital investments of new and expensive equipment or renewables. Optimization means automating what you already own to be smarter and more efficient.
Boost your competitiveness in the market by choosing sustainable solutions.
What can you achieve?
automizing your consumption
Heightened Air Quality
Temperature, humidity and pollution can be manually overseen and evaluated in the OVER system manually. On the other hand, configured automated and dynamic rules create the perfect environment to benefit of your customers and employees.
Refrigerators & HVAC consumption
Reduce 62% of your total energy consumption per year by implementing our monitor and control system, automizing your business based on its actual need.
CO2 Emissions
Cutting down energy consumption to decrease CO2 emissions in the atmosphere is a top priority. Another is monitoring CO2 levels in indoor environments to control the quality of the air we breathe. Over solutions allow you to do both simultaneously.
24/7 plants outlay
Your business mustn’t stop, neither must your plants to preserve the excellent products you sell. But you can save about 15% on the general outlay by having a total view of your plants, identifying the performance efforts to improve in real-time.
Where we lead you
Using our sosphisticated architecture

Innovation, efficiency, sustainability: the next step for your business
OVER solutions suit your business needs through a unique process: simplified the automation. An innovative system, designed for all the types of plants, combined with a sophisticated software for data management, enables you to drastically reduce the energy and environmental indoor costs, ensuring a quick and positive return on the initial investment.
Discover how to boost your competitive drive to cutting costs.
How can you improve your business?
Enhancing your indoor environment
The air we breathe indoors
The last few years were a testament to our technologies: we tried and succeeded in designing a highly technological air quality sensor that measures 10 parameters simultaneously in real-time to ensure environmental comfort and good health.
We did it with a passion to create better surroundings for customers and employees in every indoor place.

Why Data Management matters
in controlling your systems performance

Multi-site Analysis
This feature allows you to quickly overview the buildings monitored, set alert to identify occurring problems and view analysis in real-time to better manage your multi-site property. Anywhere, at any time.

Air Quality Analysis
With these feature you can monitor individual air quality values and elaborate cross-analysis between air quality and energy consumption values overviewed in real-time.

Building Analysis
On the single building, you are able to identify consumption in a selected period of time, you can see either in detail and by typology of consumption as well as customize KPI for your analysis.
Moreover, real-time analysis is always active.
Moreover, real-time analysis is always active.

Building Actuation
It's a simple and intuitive tool for controlling all your properties and gives you the ability to create rules for single buildings or rules that apply across all properties with a single click.

Invoice Checking
You can save 10 minutes on each invoce and 4% of money for error occurred. How? Thanks to Elix, a integrated web application that automatically extracs data from invoices (pdf or paper format) and checks the accuracy of each individual component.

Management Support
Our qualified personnel supports your technical team directly, writes building performance reports and gives you constant assistant to continuous improvement.